Monday, September 27, 2004

This is the final product, I am going to get it in a 16X20 to hang in my living room. I will be posting the next piece that I did soon, it is more watercolored looking. Posted by Hello

Sunday, September 26, 2004

On a drive up the Door County peninsula, I couldn't help but take a picture of "The Winding Road" that so artistically reflects our road through life.

This is the origianl photo that I took pre-touch up. I used Adobe Photoshop to turn it into the stunning peice in the earlier post. Posted by Hello

This is the second phase of the process, I cropped the image and adjusted the colors to suit my taste. Posted by Hello

Saturday, September 25, 2004

This is the second to last phase, I matted it in white, because I couldn't find a more flattering color. Posted by Hello

This picture was taken from my porch one early morning at about 5AM in the summer of 2004, I couldn't resist running to capture such a stunning scene. It's amazing how quickly our memories fade, we see so many beautiful things every day that we have discarded from our memory banks. Posted by Hello